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20+ years of experience in delivering 1000+ Quality engineering projects
Quality engineering that powers Dev‘T’Ops, adds agility, provides AI based actionable insights and drives efficiencies
Powered by scalable AI based intelligent LitmusT testing platform
300 + companies are enabled with hyper- automation throughAI - NLP and analytics driven software testing solutionswith open architecture

What We Offer

AI for Quality Engineering
Quality Engineering using AI for agility, predictability and driving efficiencies throughout the engineering lifecycle. AI based test automation solution for end-to-end test execution, reporting and defect tracking.
BIDW Test Automation
Automated solution for E2E Data Validation in BI pipeline with 100% data coverage and zero programming. Efficiently overcome test data hurdles of QA teams by provisioning realistic test data in quick time.
Test Data Management
Efficiently overcome test data hurdles of QA teams by provisioning realistic test data in quick time. We cover the entire Networks Lifecycle – from Managed Services to Transformation.
Ubiquitous reporting automation
Reporting & Governance Dashboard for Test Organizations, powered with AI based Predictive Analysis.
Intelligent Test Design automation
Intelligent Test design automation for complete business process coverage and application of risk based testing. Centralized portal which is built on open source technologies and helps to manage enterprise level environments.
Intelligent Test Automation
AI based test automation solution for end-to-end test execution, reporting and defect tracking.