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Home / Service / Artificial Intelligence Service

Leverage Our Expert Artificial Intelligence Development Services to Accelerate a Project or Create a Custom AI Solutions.
At USSBD, we have a team of expert AI developers ready to handle your projects. Using our OpenX method, they’re able to simplify the AI applications.
Trained and certified professionals
All of our AI applications are delivered by top AI developers and managers with decades of shared experience delivering projects successfully.

What We Offer

An advanced speech analytics platform, to transform customer interactions into critical business insights by improving decision-making, enhance customer experience and ensure compliance by auditing 100% of calls automatically.
An annotation and workflow tool that facilitates collecting, grading, transcribing, and annotating data across various media types. Build large-scale training data sets to train your ML models and create custom workflows for your data projects.
One stop solution in the digital age for warranty and aftermarket problem areas, across various industry through intelligent automation, real-time intelligence & enhanced service experience.
A legal artificial assistant (L’AILA), powered by a natural language processing (NLP) based platform to extract critical clauses from contract documents and perform subsequent actions..
Enterprise Security Services
USSBD’s comprehensive value-chain advanced security outsourcing services covers the entire lifecycle - Assess, Prevent, Detect, and Respond & Recover. Our services range from Consulting & Implementation to Managed Services.
Machine Learning
Machine learning is ideal for dynamic problem solving, machine learning technology can gather unstructured data and transform it into valuable insights that can improve the efficiency and profitability of your business operation.
Computer Vision
When something has to be seen and analyzed, computer vision is the solution. We use neural networks and deep learning-based Visual Processing and a vast range of Computer Vision instruments to recognize, analyze and classify images.
Natural Language Processing
If analyzing masses of customer feedback, improving business customer experience, and boosting engagement and revenue is your goal, NLP is the ideal solution.
Predictive Modelling
Predictive modeling is basic one of the basic AI development services. It is perfect for analyzing large amounts of data and turning them into useful predictions that can be used to optimize the performance of business efforts.